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Imprisoned at Hohenschönhausen
Prolograum in der Ausstellung Inhaftiert in Hohenschönhausen

Permanent Exhibition

Imprisoned at Hohenschönhausen

Testimonies of political persecution 1945-1989

The permanent exhibition spans 700 square metres and presents rare objects, as well as numerous historical documents and photographs on the Hohenschönhausen prison site. The exhibition hall focuses on the prison experiences of the political prisoners. In around 70 audio and video statements, former inmates talk about their isolation in the cells, the behaviour of the guards and the incriminating examinations by psychologically trained Stasi interrogators. Interactive media stations with Stasi training materials document the Stasi personnel's view of the inmates.

The historical development of the detention centre from 1945 to 2000 is depicted on the outside walls of the hall. The exhibits, newsreels and other film documents on display here place the history of the site in the context of contemporary history.

The offices of the former prison management are also on display. Another area offers insights into the self-perception of the members of the Stasi and their everyday work.

Further information

Permanent exhibition, Berlin-Hohenschönhausen Memorial

  • 10am – 18pm daily
  • Free admission
  • Audioguides in German, English, Frensh, Italian, Spanish, Danish und Russian are available free of charge from the visitor service.

The exhibition is accessible for wheelchair users via a lift. Please contact the visitor service for access: 
Tel. +49 30 98 60 82 30

Activity reports

Andreas Engwert, Hubertus Knabe (Hg.)
Imprisoned at Hohenschönhausen. Testimonies of political persecution 1945-1989


View publication (German website)