
The Memorial has a specialized library dealing with topics related to political persecution in the GDR. The collection primarily focuses on studies or material at the Hohenschönhausen prison site, the history of political justice in the GDR, opposition and resistance in eastern Germany, and the work of the Ministry of State Security (MfS). The collection particularly seeks to provide biographical and autobiographical writings by and on the ex-prisoners in Hohenschönhausen.

Moreover, the library collects the essential works dealing with political persecution under other dictatorships, especially in the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, and under the National Socialists. Last but not least, the library has a section on general GDR history and a reference section. Details of the books are available via a database. The collection is a non-lending library and primarily available for staff, students or school groups. There is a Media Library attached, with a collection of DVD, videos and audio cassettes.


Opening hours

Mo. - Fr. 10 a.m. to 12 a.m. and 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Tel.: 030 / 98 60 82-452
Fax: 030 / 98 60 82-466
E-Mail: bibliothek [at]